country roads in China - Heart of a Dragon - Man in Motion Tour

Heart of a Dragon News — toronto

Countdown To Toronto ... 7 days!!!

RSVP   "I CAN'T KEEP UP"   On a back road in the high country, heat and exhaustion have begun to take their toll. Amanda no longer to keep up to Rick's pace, falls behind. Don struggles and like Amanda, can no longer endure the heat and is left in the shadow of a dragon, pushing through the pain of the Great Wall. 

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Countdown To Toronto ... 9 Days To Go!!!

RSVP NOW! "HEADING TO THE GREAT WALL" Chinese legend has it, the Great Wall was built over the centuries on the blood of those who died and were buried beneath it. In recent times, Chairman Mao told his people that to be a hero, one must reach the Great Wall. For Rick Hansen, Don Alder, Amanda and Mike Reid, Lee Gibson and others, climbing the Wall would prove to a skeptical world that their dreams...

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