It's New Years Day and the world at my house is peaceful. No rehearsals, no guitars to tune; nothing to worry about. But its still early and maybe this afternoon when the shadows get long and freaky, I will begin to mull over the things from last year that need to be filed away before they fill my 2014 dance card. Until that happens, if it happens, everything remains groovy here at Don central,...
It's been a cold and sunny December so far at my house. I like these days because being outside in them is so stimulating. Sadly, I'm only seeing fragments through the window of my basement apartment because I've been down the rabbit hole working on new songs. When your in that place, all you can do is madly compose for days on end and when absolutely necessary, you come up for a snack. It's fun,...
Don Alder is a musician and partner in a grand adventure - "Man In Motion" that forever changed the way we see disability. He lives alone in a basement suite over run by guitars, note books full of ideas for songs and everywhere, memories of going around the world with his best friend, Rick Hansen.
Some Day I'm Going To Change You, Silly Boy
Whether it's really true, or just part of my need to...
After a year of pushing himself half way across the world, Rick, Amanda, Don and Lee find themselves at the centre of million Chinese who have embraced their dream. It's both a moment of triumph and reflection as Rick remembers how long the journey has been from obscurity for everyone who knows disability.
On a back road in the high country, heat and exhaustion have begun to take their toll. Amanda no longer to keep up to Rick's pace, falls behind. Don struggles and like Amanda, can no longer endure the heat and is left in the shadow of a dragon, pushing through the pain of the Great Wall.