country roads in China - Heart of a Dragon - Man in Motion Tour

Heart of a Dragon News — Don Alder

We Are All Disabled - Part 11

She Loves You Ya, Ya, Ya...   How do you not love your mother? How do you not smile when you think about how much she loves you? How do you not tear up with the memory of her holding you close, kissing your tears away?As Mothers Day's arrives, I'm hopeful the Post Office delivers the cards to my mother and my grandmother, both of whom were and are the best mothers a guitar player could ever have.    Bef...

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We Are All Disabled - Part 10

When I Grow Up... I watched the Juno Awards and in the closeness of my basement suite felt the walls close in.    To see and to hear that much talent on one stage and to know in someway, I'm competing for a piece of that audience is humbling. And then after a long night of thinking too much, being humbled turns into being challenged. So it is, I pick up my guitar, I practice, I compose and I practice...

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We Are All Disabled - Part 9

Remembering Lee Gibson - An Unlikely Friend Lee and I back on the Great Wall, 20yrs later for the filming ofHeart Of A Dragon - Sept 2006 Its absurd that anyone is awake at six o'clock in the morning, especially a musician. I'm better playing into the night than I am getting up with the birds but times change and I can do this. Coffee helps, it always has. I will need it soon but first I want to...

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We Are All Disabled - Part 7

The Boy Who Couldn't Jump   I had a great  trip to the Malaysian Festival but after a long flight home, woke up with  paralysis of analysis - a condition that makes me think way too much about love and life and things that have no easy answers.   It all started when I was a kid and kept wondering why the sky was blue and then my father died and I wondered about him so much sometimes that it got in...

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We Are All Disabled - Part 5

Queen Never Had a Bad Hair Day   I have a show in a few hours. The song list is set. Guitars and amps are jammed into the tour bus which these days is a faded electric blue Ford hatchback. Clothes for tonights performance will be blue jeans - they are in the dryer as I write and a classic shirt from a vintage shop. The kind Eric Clapton looked so good in at the George Harrison memorial concert.

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